2019 Recap

And here we are. The end of another year.

And just like last year... here's my 2019 End of the Year Reflection courtesy of

DayOne App

. Also guess who's unknowingly taken apart of the reflection...

1. What was your favorite single day/event of the year?


probably Canada, snow tubing was fun as well


My favorite event would probably be graduation... it's been a long 5 years getting through college. But also Canada.

2. What was the best thing you built/created?


going off of recency bias... playing music


I think the best thing I created would be the rebrand of this blog and adding the various sections: Let's Go Hiking and #PlantMom

3. What was the most impactful decision you made for you and your family’s future?


ummmmmm Idk I don’t think dramatic has changed at the moment


I think the most impactful decision I made was to reenlist and take on a full-time job working in the National Guard.

4. What was your best financial achievement?


Working all this summer, I put myself in a lot of situations to meet a lot of people to make money


paying off my car...and a loan. Starting a savings account, (Yes I know I'm late in the whole savings thing)

5. Did you achieve any lifelong goals?


lifelong...no. Well maybe...realizing the reality of becoming a Nurse Practitioner.


lol I graduated college

6. What was the hardest lesson you learned over the past year?


I say too much... I think I try to offer help and sometimes I don’t need to.


that your story is not the same as everyone else... and I shouldn't be comparing my chapter 10 to their chapter 24.

7. Did you develop any new hobbies or passions? Are there any new hobbies or passions you want to develop in the New Year?


probably rekindled old passions (playing the trumpet and skating)


I'm developing my passion for hiking, so hopefully in 2020 I can continue to go on hikes whether their solo or with friends and family

8. What was the most humbling experience of the past year?


there's a lot that I can still learn with everything in life.. and realizing it's ok to not know everything and it's ok to be wrong.


moving back in with my mom... especially when I had it in my mind that moving back to Goldsboro would be a very far down the road of life

9. What is the one thing you are most grateful for from this past year?


I and my mom’s relationship hasn't changed


the full-time job, My mom being supportive of the whole new job thing and moving back in

10. What are your personal goals for the coming year? Family goals? Religious goals? Health goals? Financial or career goals?


graduate and internship.... and get better at skating and playing the trumpet...and bench 315 at least 4 times


I would like to work on consistency of writing for the blog, read 30 books throughout the year, I would like to pass the ACFT, and I would like to get promoted to Sgt. Also, I would like to have at least $1500 in my savings account by the end of 2020.

And this officially wraps on 2019.
Happy New Year Love!


The Last Quarter or so...


The Last 6 Months...